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Rotary Interact Breakfast

Rotary Interact Breakfast

This week our Rotary Interact Co-presidents, along with the Secretary and members of staff, attended the first Rotary Interact Breakfast of the academic year held in Whitchurch Golf Club. Anam and Amy told the group about the fundraising successes they have had so far including a water fight and the College Mixer event. Sophie S was also invited to the meeting in order to give a brief presentation about her experiences at the RYLA Summer Camp. She was accompanied by her parents and sister, Chloe, who all came along to support her.

This is a summary of what she said:

"I had the wonderful opportunity this summer to go to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) summer camp in Storey Arms. We participated in gorge walking, canoeing and caving alongside many other leadership activities. I had the best time with my group (Group C – the best group!) and we won the competition at the end of the camp. During this competition, we had to construct a raft to take us down the river using only cardboard, duct tape and a plastic bag! I’m so grateful for the friends I made during RYLA and all the experiences I will remember forever. I will remember the nights in the common room so well, playing card games and drinking so much tea. Thank you, Cardiff Rotary!"

Our Rotary Interact Presidents had this to say about the event:

"I had a wonderful time meeting members of Rotary in Cardiff, and hearing from the other Sixth Form Presidents has given us a lot of inspiration and motivation for future events" - Amy D, Rotary Interact President 

"An amazing morning surrounded by amazing people! It was wonderful to meet our fellow presidents and Amy and I are looking forward to the year ahead!" - Anam A, Rotary Interact President 

The meeting was enjoyed by everyone, as was the breakfast.

13 October 2023

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