girl product design

Product Design

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Learn more about Product Design

Why study this subject?

Are you interested in products, style, innovation, fashion, images, the modern and the traditional, design and designers, buildings and architecture? Do you ever ask yourself questions such as I wonder how…? I wonder why…? What if…?

Product Design (Design and Technology) is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Students are encouraged to use creativity and imagination when applying design processes to develop and modify designs, and to design and make prototypes that solve real world problems. The course enables students to identify market needs and opportunities for new products, initiate and develop design solutions, and make and test prototypes.

Which Examination Board?


How will you be assessed?

50% Design and Make task, 50% Examination.

What is the outline content over 2 years?

The A-Level Course (A2) is studied over two years.

Component 1: Design and Technology in the 21st Century. Students take a 3 hour single written examination in Product Design. 50% of the qualification.

Component 2: Design and make task. Non-exam assessment: 80 hours. 50% of the qualification. A sustained design and make task, assessing the ability to:

  • identify, investigate and outline design possibilities
  • design and make prototypes
  • analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues.