girls ALN


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Educational Inclusion

At Howell’s Coeducational College, we have high expectations of all students and we aim to promote achievement through the removal of barriers to learning and participation. Our aims are to ensure the full integration and inclusion of all students in the life of the school and to maximise their learning potential.

Although we are a selective school, we recognise that some students might have difficulties accessing the curriculum; in these cases effective and differentiated support is provided within the classroom by the subject teacher. Students with additional learning needs, however, may require additional structured Support.

How do we define students with Additional Learning Needs?

Students who need specialist support with their learning include those with the following types of learning difficulty: 

  • Specific learning difficulties, eg dyslexia, dyspraxia
  • Neurodiverse conditions such as ASD, ADHD
  • Speech and language difficulties
  • Sensory and physical difficulties
  • English as an Additional Language

What support is offered

At the beginning of Year 12 we carry out a screening assessment to identify those who may have additional needs. However, by the time they reach the College, those with additional needs will probably have developed their own strategies for coping with their difficulties and have examinations access arrangements in place for their public examinations. The SENCO will meet with those with identified needs to ensure that their needs are still current and if necessary reapply for access arrangements, informing staff of any support requirements they may have.

Throughout the course of study, class teachers also refer any students who may be experiencing difficulties, which may result in an assessment to identify any barriers to learning and discuss any strategies to overcome them. In some cases students who are experiencing difficulties are given support in the form of academic mentoring.

Partnership with parents

At Howell’s we really value the knowledge parents have of their children and use this to enable us to provide effective learning support. Equally we will always inform parents of any concerns we have and discuss fully any action we feel is necessary.

Parents should feel able to discuss any concerns relating to additional learning needs with the ALNCO and SENCO whose contact details are below.

Student participation

We encourage students at Howell’s to take responsibility and to make decisions; this is part of the culture of our school. Students are invited to make judgements about their own performance, to set their own targets and to evaluate their work and progress constructively.