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Inspiring Future Female Leaders

Inspiring Future Female Leaders


Some of our College students were recently invited to attend a conference on ‘Inspiring Future Female Leaders’ at Benenden School in Kent. Below is a write-up by Izzy who was one of the students who attended.

It was an early start and a long drive, but it was definitely worth it! We listened to inspiring talks from HRH Princess Basma Bint of Jordan, Dr Amy Jadesimi, Dame Didi Wong, Georgina Seccombe, Amber Atherton, Baroness Marringham Buller. The most exciting part of the day was a talk by HRH The Princess Royal – Princess Anne. The overall theme was about how women in leadership can overcome barriers, belong and how to take every opportunity. It was inspirational to see what women can do and how we can apply this to our own leadership roles. 

Here is what other students had to say about the event:


"Being able to hear from women in leadership from many different career paths was inspirational and made me aware of how we can achieve in any career path if we are passionate about it."


"This conference showed me how much women can accomplish when they are determined. It made me to realize that I can do anything I put my mind to!"


"The importance of genuine, authentic, and approachable future leaders was highlighted during our greatly enjoyable visit to Benenden School. The talented speakers highlighted how diversity in leadership, especially including women, was imperative for innovation and success in all fields and has inspired me to make the most of all opportunities in my future career."

13 October 2023

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