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Mrs Sharon Richards



Sharon Richards joined Howell's at the age of 11 as a student and thoroughly enjoyed her education - particularly relishing the feeling that walking into the building was akin to entering Malory Towers or The Chalet School. She graduated from Cardiff University with a First in English Literature, subsequently completing her PGCE before embarking on a career in several comprehensive schools. Her passion for being in the classroom and working closely with students of all ages has always been evident. After many years serving as Head of Department, she transitioned to the College Leadership Team, adding an additional layer of variety to her teaching role and allowing her to experience the pastoral aspect of education. Her daughters playfully tease her, likening her to 'much like Mrs. Bennet' from Pride and Prejudice, a comparison she readily embraces as a fan of Jane Austen. Now relishing her role as a grandmother, she still manages to find time for activities such as walking, playing tennis, and indulging in her love for murder mysteries through reading. Howell's School has been central to much of her life and will always hold a special place in her heart.