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Welcome to our new Year 12

Welcome to our new Year 12

We have been delighted to welcome our new Year 12 this week. Students have been off timetable every afternoon for a series of ice-breaking activities. On Monday we were joined by Jeff Smith, co-founder of Cardiff's bigmoose who took us on his inspirational 'Journey to the Top'. Jeff explained the concept behind bigmoose and shared his experiences of training for and climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and Mt Everest and participating in the gruelling marathon des sables - 250km over 6 days. On Tuesday we took to the school field for a hot picnic followed by a series of practical team building challenges. On Wednesday Year 13 joined Year 12 for our first House event of this academic year, a fast and furious rounders tournament. The students were very competitive and although the results were close, there can only be one winning team. Congratulations go to Kendall and their House Captains, Georgia, Georgina and Katie. Baldwin were the runners up, followed by Trotter and Lewis. On Thursday, Chloe Smith, co-founder of bigmoose, set Year 12 a series of challenges to help them get to know each other and focus on their personal goals for the year ahead, and on Friday Mrs Davis, our Principal, formally welcomed Year 12 before they tackled a problem-solving workshop. We are very grateful to our staff who planned, organised, and supported these events, but especially to Mr Lewis, Mr Baker and Mrs Harkin.

09 September 2021

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